Friday, March 11, 2011

Toddler Temper Tantrums - Learning How To Prevent Them Is The First Step To A Happier Home

Author: Robert William Locke

Many parents wonder why on earth toddler temper tantrums happen so frequently in their homes and despair of ever finding the solution. They usually fail to realize that a child can be frustrated, irritated, tired or hungry and that he or she has simply reached his limit, sees no solution in sight and reacts as he only knows how. He makes a lot of noise and gets attention. He does not have any verbal skills so meltdowns are the result.

The key to dealing with toddler temper tantrums is to make sure that the essentials are supplied regularly and on time. That means sticking to regular meal schedules, getting enough sleep and avoiding situations which can cause fatigue and frustration. I know households which really stick to a regular schedule and there is much less chance of an eruption or meltdown there.

How do we watch out for signs that a child may be tired and in need of a nap? Look for the warning signs such as rubbing their eyes and getting into a whining phase and make sure that they can have a nap. That can work wonders and usually prevents toddler temper tantrums.

The same goes for having snacks at the ready on outings. Here, hunger rears its ugly head in the shopping mall and can lead to demands for candy and another meltdown. Just by always having the snack ready is a great way to prevent trouble.

The other key in dealing successfully with toddler meltdowns is to make sure that we are absolutely consistent in enforcing whatever limits we have set. Once we start giving in, the child is confused and there are likely to be more meltdowns. Consistency does actually work and we just have to keep at it.

Generally we can avoid toddler temper tantrums but when they happen, what do we do? Should we ignore them and let them exhaust themselves? There are some techniques which are tried and tested.

Once we start to apply these, we have children who are much calmer. As they grow older, they are not at all argumentative and the incidence of back talking and actually listen to you.

Why not discover what these easy strategies are and how to avoid the old trap if classic parenting mistakes which will get you nowhere. Maybe your parents used these methods but that does not mean that they are still valid to-day. Times have changed.

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About the Author

Let a consultant child psychiatrist with over twenty years experience teach you how to have more fun and less stress when dealing with toddler temper tantrums.

Robert Locke has written extensively on parenting for many years. For more parenting advice, visit:-

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